Use of recorded simulations, hypervideos and annotation to foster self-reflection
Mots clés:
Learning by design, Hypervideos, Videos
Learning objective | Time | Modality | Audience | Technologies |
Apply a procedure correctly, explain a procedure correctly | 5 hours during a week | Groups | Nurses, Chefs/Cooks | Video editing tool, hypervideo tool, camera or smartphone with a camera |
In this scenario, nursing students learn about catheter insertion by working with simulations and hypervideos (videos organised in chapters and enriched with additional learning materials such as texts, images, tasks, etc. ). The scenario can be replicated using two approaches; in the first approach, apprentices (divided into multiple groups) simulate and record the insertion of a catheter with a mannequin and then produce an hypervideo, while, in the second approach, apprentices (divided into multiple groups) create hypervideos using already pre-existing visual material.
In both approaches, the teacher conducts a concluding lesson with the class where apprentices are invited to give feedback on the videos.
Description de l'approche pédagogique
This scenario uses methods from Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), which is an array of educational practices characterised by interactions amongst learners that are mediated and supported by electronic devices (Dillenbourg, Järvelä, and Fischer, 2009). This model fosters the idea that learning-based collaboration can improve motivation, self-esteem, and social and communication skills.
Do It Yourself
This scenario can be accomplished in Realto by uploading the completed and edited videos in the platform as a “Post”. You can create the chapters for the apprentices to view and students can add their comments. Alternatively, you can leave the apprentices free to click on the video and create their own chapters.
This scenario can be accomplished in Ivideo.annotation by uploading the completed and edited videos in the platform. You can create “active points” and “chapters” for the apprentices using the “Editor Mode” or, alternatively, you can ask apprentices to create points and chapters on their own.
Microsoft Teams
You can use the Wiki app in Microsoft Teams. See this linkto learn more about this app and how to use it.
Trucs et astuces
You can adapt this scenario to many different vocational contexts. You can ask your students to create a hypervideo for all kinds of procedures, whether they are manual (e.g. how to connect two electrical wires), administrative (e.g. how to fill an order form) or social procedures (e.g. how to handle customer service) or else.
Evi-Colombo, A., Cattaneo, A. (in press). Knowledge Acquisition in a Second-Year Nursing Course: Evaluation of a Digital Video-Based Collaborative Learningby-Design Activity Using Hypervideo and Video Annotation Software. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.